Tim was born in 1958 and he lives and works in London, United Kingdom.
Tim Flach is an animal photographer with an interest in the way humans shape animals and shape their meaning while exploring the role of imagery in fostering an emotional connection. Bringing to life the complexity of the animal kingdom, his work ranges widely across species, united by a distinctive stylisation reflecting an interest in how we better connect people to the natural world.
He has five major bodies of work concerning different subjects: Equus (2008) focusing on the horse, Dogs Gods (2010) on canines, More Than Human (2012) a broad exploration of the world’s species, Endangered (2017) a powerful document of species on the edge of extinction, and Birds (2021). He has published seven books; Birds (2021), Who Am I? (2019), Endangered (2017), Evolution (2013), More than Human (2012), Dogs Gods (2010) and Equus (2008).
Flach is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society, and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from University of the Arts London (NUA) in 2013.
University of Arts London, St Martins College of Art & Design
Postgraduate Certificate | 1982
Photography & Painted Structures
University of East London
BA (Hons) | 1977-1980
CommunicaJons Design
Solo exhibitions
2022 UKCOL FOR WILDLIFE, Audio/Visual presentation, Cartagena, Colombia
2022 Disappearing World, Beijing Museum Of Natural History, Beijing, China
2022 Endangered, Festival De La Camargue, Port-Saint-Louis-Du-Rhône, France
2022 Birds, Falsterbo Photo Art Museum, Strandbadsvägen, Sweden
2021 Birds, The PhotoGallery AB, Slottsmöllans Halmstad, Sweden
2021 Birds, Osborne Samuel Gallery, London, UK
2021 Disappearing World: Their Future and Ours – Tree’s Shadow Art Center, Kunming, China (in
parallel to the COP15 Biodiversity conference)
2021 212 Photography Istanbul – Istanbul, Turkey
2021 Disappearing World – Yunnan Provincial Museum, Kunming, China (c. 300,000 visitors) 2021 2021 REGARD(S) FASCINANT(S) – Parc Zoologique Paris, France (2021 – 2023)
2021 Endangered, Festival De La Camargue, Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône, France (postponed from 2020)
2019 Endangered, Indian Photo Festival presented by National Geographic, State Art Gallery, Hyderabad, India
2018 Endangered, Opiom Gallery, Opio France
2018 Unnatural Selection, Lumiere Brothers Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2018 Man – Animal: The Face To Face, La Gacilly Festival, Baden, Austria
2018 More Than Human, The Gallery Studio, Napoli, Italy
2018 Endangered: Threatened Animals in Portraits, Zingst Photo Festival, Germany
2017 Endangered, Osborne Samuel Gallery, London, UK
2017 Endangered, St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), St Petersburg, Russia
2017 Man – Animal: The Face To Face, Festival La Gacilly Photo, (c.320,000 visitors) Brittany, France
2017 Wonders of Nature, Gasometer Oberhausen, Oberhausen, Germany
2015 More Than Human, Retina, Scottish International Photography Festival, Scotland
2014 More Than Human, International Tashkent Photo Biennial, National Gallery of Art, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
2014 Equus, L’Abbaye de L’Epau, Normandy, France
2014 More Than Human, Kyotographie International Photography Festival, Shima Gallery, Kyoto, Japan
2013 More than Human, ‘Inauguration’, Opiom Gallery, France
2012 More Than Human II, Osborne Samuel Gallery, London, UK
2012 More Than Human, Alternativa Festival, Madrid, Spain
2011 More Than Human, Osborne Samuel Gallery, London, UK
2011 Equus, International Photography Festival, Ping Yao, China
2011 The Horse, Goodwood House, West Sussex, UK
2011 Equus II, Chevaux du Monde festival, a Galerie des Colonnes du Palais Impérial de Compiègne, France
2011 Dogs Gods, Lucy Bell Fine Arts, St Leonards, UK
2011 Dogs Gods, Dubinsky Fine Arts, Zurich, Switzerland
2011 Dogs Gods, Bailly Contemporain, Paris, France
2011 Dogs Gods, Fotoloft Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2011 Equus, Li Shui International Photography Festival, China
2010 Dogs Gods, Osborne Samuel Gallery, London, UK
2010 Dogs Gods, Lydmar Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden
2010 Equus II, Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft, Kentucky, USA
2009 Equus II, Osborne Samuel Gallery, London, UK
2009 Equus II, Asprey, London, UK
2009 Equus II, Fotomässan, Gothenburg, Sweden
2009 Equus II, Independent Photographers Gallery, Battle, UK
2009 Equus, Camora dos Azuis, Lisbon, Portugal
2008 Equus II, Crane Kalman, Brighton, UK
2008Equus II, Artspace Galleries, London, UK
2006 Equus, Crane Kalman, Brighton, UK
2006 Equus, Federation Equestrian International (FEI), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2005 Selected Works, Wafi Mall, Al Noor, Dubai, UAE
2004 Selected Works, The 7th Heng Dian Cup International Art Photography, Shanghai, China
2001 Thinking with Animals, Max Planck Institute, Berlin, Germany
2001 Thinking with Animals, Citadel, Berlin, Germany
2000 Thinking with Animals, KO University, Tokyo, Japan
Group exhibitions
2021 The Pet Show, Fotografskia Swedish Museum of Photography, Stockholm, Sweden
2021 Fragile Paradise, Gasometer Oberhausen, Germany
2019 Poils, Museum de Nancy, Nancy, France
2018 AOP50:Images that Defined the Age, Association of Photographers, London, UK
2018The Sliperiet, Borgvik, Sweden
2017 Galerie Sakura, Paris, France
2017 Like a Horse, Fotografskia Swedish Museum of Photography, Stockholm, Sweden
2016 Bucharest Photofest, Bucharest, Romania
2015 Museum of Art and Design Hamburg, Germany
2015 Woof!, L’exposition Qui a du Chien, Calais, France
2013 Ice Age Art, The British Museum, UK
2013 The Universal Addressability of Dumb Things, Curated by Mark Leckey,
2013 Hayward Touring Exhibition, Nottingham Contemporary, UK
2011 Into the Deep, Edinburgh Science Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland
2011 Fine Form: The Horse in Art, Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum in
partnership with Cheltenham Racecourse and the University of Gloucestershire, UK
2011 Fine Form: The Horse in Art, The Goodwood House, Cheltenham, UK
2010 Le Bestiaire imaginaire, Palais Lumière, Evian, France
2009 Le Bestiaire imaginaire, Baudoin lebon, Paris, France
2002 DACS Exhibition CISAC World Congress, Queen Exhibition II Congress Centre, London UK
2002 Houston Museum of Natural Science, Texas, USA
2021 Fellow of On The Edge Conservation
2013 Honorary Doctorate, University of the Arts London (Norwich)
2013 Honorary Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society | HonFRPS
2013 Fellow of the British Institute of Professional Photography | FBIPP |
Birds (2021)
Flach, T, Prum R, 2021, US & UK: Abrams, Australia: Thames & Hudson, Germany: Knesebeck,
Netherlands: Fontaine
Who Am I? (2019)
Flach, T, 2019, US & UK: Abrams, 2019, Australia: Thames & Hudson, China (2020): Ginkgo
(Beijing) Book Cp., Ltd.
Endangered (2017)
Flach, T, Baillie J, Wells S, 2017, US & UK: Abrams, Germany: Knesebeck, Italy: Rizzoli, France:
Prisma Editions, Australia: Thames & Hudson, Japan: Seigensha, Korea (2020): SoWooJoo, China (2018): Ginkgo (Beijing) Book Cp., Ltd.
Evolution: Stern Fotografie No.74 (2014)
Flach, T, 2014, Germany: teNeues
More than Human (2012)
Flach, T, Blackwell, L, 2012, US & UK: Abrams, Germany: Knesebeck, Australia & New Zealand: Hachette Livre
Dogs Gods (2010)
Flach, T, Blackwell, L, 2010, US & UK: Abrams, Australia & NZ: Hachette Livre, France: La
Martiniere, Germany: Knesebeck, South Africa: Wild Dog, China (2011): China Photographic
Publishing House
Equus (2008)
Flach, T, 2008, US, UK & South Africa: Abrams, Australia & NZ: Hachebe Livre, France: La MarJniere,
Germany: Knesebeck, Italy: Contrasto, China (2011): China Photographic Publishing House
Surveying the Anthropocene (2021)
Patricia Macdonald, Edinburgh University Press, Photographs and interview with Tim Flach
A Cabinet of Curiosities for the Anthropocene (2018)
Mitman G, Armiero M, R.S. Emmett. Photography by Tim Flach, NY: Chicago Press
Really Good Dog Photography (2017)
Davies, L, Hoxton Mini Press, With Photographs by Tim Flach, London: Hoxton Mini Press
Rarely Seen (2015)
Alvarez, S, National Geographic, With Photographs by Tim Flach, USA: National Geographic
Photographers at Work: Essential Business & Production Skills for Photographers in Editorial,
Design, & Advertising (2015)
Evening, M, Photographs and interview with Tim Flach, USA: Pearson
Rainforest (2014)
Blackwell, L, With Photographs by Tim Flach, NY: Abrams
Photowisdom: Master Photographers on their Art (2009)
Blackwell, L, Photographs and interview with Tim Flach, NZ: PQ Blackwell, UK: Chronicle Books
Thinking with Animals, New perspectives on Anthropomorphism (2006)
Daston, L, Mitman, G, With Photographs by Tim Flach, NY: Columbia University Press
V&A Museum, Royal Photographic Society Collection, UK
Swedish Museum Of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden
21c Museum, Miami, USA
The Kennel Club Art Gallery, London, UK
National Horse Racing Museum, Newmarket, UK
Federation Equestre Internationale, Lausanne, Switzerland